
Advisory committees

Published: 7 April 2022

Last updated: 7 April 2022

Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC)

ARAC supports the Board and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) as Accounting Officer, by providing appropriate independent advice and constructive challenge to give assurance that:

  • overall governance arrangements are in place and are appropriate and operating effectively
  • the management and financial control framework is effective and supported by an appropriate compliance culture
  • robust and effective risk assessment and mitigation and contingency is embedded and operating effectively in financial and non-financial management processes, in line with best practice
  • external financial reporting is prudent, accurate, appropriate and consistent with Financial Reporting Manual (FReM) accounting policies
  • internal financial and performance reporting is timely, prudent, appropriate and consistent with external financial reports
  • internal audit assurance provides an appropriate level of comfort to the Accounting Officer and relationships with the National Audit Office are effective.

ARAC is chaired by a Commissioner, Kunle Olulode.

See our full ARAC terms of reference

People and Workspace Committee (P&WC)

The purpose of the P&WC is to provide strategic advice, support and challenge to officers and assurance to the Board on all people, infrastructure and remuneration matters affecting the employee lifecycle. It succeeds the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee (HRRC), which itself replaced two previous committees, the Resources Committee and the Remuneration Committee. Key areas of focus of the P&WC include, but are not limited to::

  • developing the Commission as an ‘exemplar employer’ – and the people policies, processes and initiatives that this encompasses
  • inclusion, diversity and equality – policies, initiatives and outturns
  • reward strategy and annual pay award (including pay gaps – action plans and outturns)
  • performance management policy, process and outturns
  • talent management and succession planning
  • employee engagement initiatives and outturns
  • infrastructure strategies, policies and services (ICT, Locations and Estates)
  • the wellbeing of colleagues and the culture of the Commission
  • oversight of strategic and operational people, infrastructure and information governance risks. Including: issues and incidents, data protection, information security, information technology / cyber security. (Providing assurance to Board and ARAC, and escalating as necessary)

P&WC is chaired by a Commissioner, Caroline Waters OBE.

See our full P&WC terms of reference.

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