
Expenditure report: September 2019

Published: 19 May 2021

Last updated: 19 May 2021

Payment date Expense type Supplier Transaction number Amount in Great British Pounds (GBP)
06/09/2019 Premises Rent/Rates/Service Charges ACAS Northern Region iPOS Invoice 64592 33,611.60
06/09/2019 Professional Advice Beamans Ltd iPOS Invoice 64609 24,885.00
06/09/2019 BT Managed Services BT Global Services iPOS Invoice 64587 18,583.80
06/09/2019 Solicitors Fees Centre for Women's Justice iPOS Invoice 64677 6,045.00
06/09/2019 Barristers Fees Ben Jaffey iPOS Invoice 64631 3,768.00
06/09/2019 IT Cost Probrand Ltd iPOS Invoice 64624 2,700.00
06/09/2019 Agency Staff Sellick Partnership Ltd iPOS Invoice 64720 2,435.94
06/09/2019 Website Maintenance Costs Axis 12 Ltd iPOS Invoice 64597 2,340.00
06/09/2019 CCV control account Accor Services iPOS Invoice 64661 2,248.85
06/09/2019 Staff Support Hands Free Computing Ltd iPOS Invoice 64656 2,007.60
06/09/2019 Solicitors Fees Centre for Women's Justice iPOS Invoice 64680 1,848.80
06/09/2019 Agency Staff Networkers International (UK) Plc iPOS Invoice 64618 1,479.96
06/09/2019 Agency Staff Sellick Partnership Ltd iPOS Invoice 64648 1,451.09
06/09/2019 Staff Support Prestige Network Ltd iPOS Invoice 64615 1,437.60
06/09/2019 Client Support Prestige Network Ltd iPOS Invoice 64710 1,318.80
06/09/2019 BT Non Managed Services BT Onebillplus iPOS Invoice 64683 1,265.41
06/09/2019 Solicitors Fees Centre for Women's Justice iPOS Invoice 64676 1,212.00
06/09/2019 Barristers Fees Faculty Services Limited iPOS Invoice 64595 1,200.00
06/09/2019 Agency Staff Sellick Partnership Ltd iPOS Invoice 64655 1,098.60
06/09/2019 Health Referrals BHSF Occupational Health Ltd iPOS Invoice 64542 1,080.00
06/09/2019 Health Referrals BHSF Occupational Health Ltd iPOS Invoice 64542 1,080.00
06/09/2019 Barristers Fees Ben Jaffey iPOS Invoice 64633 960.00
06/09/2019 Records Storage Costs Iron Mountain (UK) Ltd iPOS Invoice 64571 861.35
06/09/2019 Publications Editing/Proof Reading Laura Mellor Editorial Services iPOS Invoice 64784 643.00
06/09/2019 Staff Support Alexander Mann Solutions Limited iPOS Invoice 64639 627.00
06/09/2019 Agency Staff Acorn Recruitment Ltd iPOS Invoice 64577 625.96
06/09/2019 Barristers Fees Aileen McColgan iPOS Invoice 64628 576.00
11/09/2019 Premises Rent/Rates/Service Charges CBRE Ltd iPOS Invoice 64575 78,965.40
11/09/2019 Equipment/Furniture Repairs Government Property Agency iPOS Invoice 64781 9,208.05
11/09/2019 Internal Audit Fees Mazars iPOS Invoice 64616 7,308.00
11/09/2019 Ex Chair's BBA Pension Scheme Home Office -Accounts Receivable iPOS Invoice 64647 6,673.84
11/09/2019 Infrastructure H/W Support & Maintenance Probrand Ltd iPOS Invoice 64588 2,700.00
11/09/2019 Publications Printing Allied Publicity Services (Manchester) Ltd iPOS Invoice 64773 1,924.32
11/09/2019 Agency Staff Sellick Partnership Ltd iPOS Invoice 64788 1,692.94
11/09/2019 Agency Staff Networkers International (UK) Plc iPOS Invoice 64690 1,479.96
11/09/2019 Office Reorganisation Harrow Green Limited iPOS Invoice 64576 1,368.12
11/09/2019 Catering Calder Conferences iPOS Invoice 64621 1,346.40
11/09/2019 Mobile Costs EE Limited iPOS Invoice 64603 1,197.60
20/09/2019 ToE Events Right Practice iPOS Invoice 64778 10,000.00
20/09/2019 Barristers Fees Emma Foubister iPOS Invoice 64608 7,010.40
20/09/2019 Barristers Fees Miss Catherine Casserley iPOS Invoice 64634 6,996.00
20/09/2019 Barristers Fees Anna Beale iPOS Invoice 64606 6,540.00
20/09/2019 Barristers Fees Henrietta Hill iPOS Invoice 64797 5,616.00
20/09/2019 Barristers Fees Katherine Apps iPOS Invoice 64793 3,876.00
20/09/2019 Barristers Fees Daniel Isenberg iPOS Invoice 64627 3,852.00
20/09/2019 Agency Staff Badenoch & Clark iPOS Invoice 64712 3,826.38
20/09/2019 Barristers Fees Emma Foubister iPOS Invoice 64636 3,780.00
20/09/2019 IT Cost Probrand Ltd iPOS Invoice 64625 3,780.00
20/09/2019 Sponsored Study The Procurement Academy iPOS Invoice 64659 3,774.00
20/09/2019 Media Monitoring Press Data Bureau iPOS Invoice 64777 3,645.00
20/09/2019 Employee Assistance Programme People Asset Management Ltd iPOS Invoice 64669 3,439.05
20/09/2019 Barristers Fees Thomas Ogg iPOS Invoice 64607 3,336.00
20/09/2019 Agency Staff Badenoch & Clark iPOS Invoice 64705 3,061.10
20/09/2019 Barristers Fees Sarah Hannett iPOS Invoice 64630 2,976.00
20/09/2019 Barristers Fees Sarah Hannett iPOS Invoice 64630 2,976.00
20/09/2019 Seconded Staff Ofsted iPOS Invoice 64688 2,730.47
20/09/2019 Payroll Processing Costs SD Worx UK Limited iPOS Invoice 64573 2,270.09
20/09/2019 HR & Payroll System MHR International UK Limited iPOS Invoice 64610 2,218.76
20/09/2019 Website Development Costs Civic Computing Ltd iPOS Invoice 64700 2,016.00
20/09/2019 Agency Staff Sellick Partnership Ltd iPOS Invoice 64696 1,934.78
20/09/2019 Cleaning Services Axis Cleaning and Support Services Ltd iPOS Invoice 64617 1,888.58
20/09/2019 Solicitors Fees Deighton Pierce Glynn iPOS Invoice 64694 1,528.80
20/09/2019 Health Referrals BHSF Occupational Health Ltd iPOS Invoice 64541 1,458.00
20/09/2019 Catering Calder Conferences iPOS Invoice 64621 1,346.40
20/09/2019 HR & Payroll System MHR International UK Limited iPOS Invoice 64614 1,278.00
20/09/2019 Service Charge Government Property Agency iPOS Invoice 64591 1,262.70
20/09/2019 Agency Staff Networkers International (UK) Plc iPOS Invoice 64619 1,183.97
20/09/2019 Staff Support Hands Free Computing Ltd iPOS Invoice 64654 1,152.00
20/09/2019 Agency Staff Sellick Partnership Ltd iPOS Invoice 64719 1,098.60
20/09/2019 Agency Staff Sellick Partnership Ltd iPOS Invoice 64653 1,098.60
20/09/2019 Solicitors Fees JCP Solicitors iPOS Invoice 64605 1,080.00
20/09/2019 Infrastructure S/W Support & Maintenance Dropbox International Unlimited Company iPOS Invoice 64684 1,029.54
20/09/2019 Mobile Costs EE Limited iPOS Invoice 64650 1,017.42
20/09/2019 Advisory Group Fees University of Leeds iPOS Invoice 64704 750.00
20/09/2019 Solicitors Fees Simpson Millar Solicitors iPOS Invoice 64626 732.00
20/09/2019 Advisory Group Meeting Costs Calder Conferences iPOS Invoice 64598 628.92
20/09/2019 e Learning Empyrean Digital Limited iPOS Invoice 64695 600.00
20/09/2019 Staff Support Alexander Mann Solutions Limited iPOS Invoice 64637 594.00
20/09/2019 Agency Staff Sellick Partnership Ltd iPOS Invoice 64583 549.30
20/09/2019 Staff Support CityFleet Networks Ltd iPOS Invoice 64662 540.67
25/09/2019 Parliamentary Monitoring Dod's Parliamentary Communications iPOS Invoice 64714 2,902.40
25/09/2019 Parliamentary Monitoring Dod's Parliamentary Communications iPOS Invoice 64714 2,902.40
25/09/2019 Parliamentary Monitoring Dod's Parliamentary Communications iPOS Invoice 64714 2,902.40
26/09/2019 Business Apps S/W Support & Maintenance Phoenix Software Limited iPOS Invoice 64682 5,460.00
26/09/2019 Learning And Development iPOS Invoice 64405 3,850.00
26/09/2019 Agency Staff Badenoch & Clark iPOS Invoice 64706 3,826.38
26/09/2019 Agency Staff Badenoch & Clark iPOS Invoice 64707 3,826.38
26/09/2019 Barristers Fees Victoria Butler-Cole iPOS Invoice 64794 3,312.00
26/09/2019 Solicitors Fees Centre for Women's Justice iPOS Invoice 64679 2,928.00
26/09/2019 Learning And Development Needham Consulting Ltd iPOS Invoice 64782 2,770.86
26/09/2019 Barristers Fees Catherine Dobson iPOS Invoice 64473 2,520.00
26/09/2019 Agency Staff Sellick Partnership Ltd iPOS Invoice 64579 1,934.78
26/09/2019 Transcription Services Prestige Network Ltd iPOS Invoice 64622 1,549.80
26/09/2019 Agency Staff Networkers International (UK) Plc iPOS Invoice 64776 1,479.96
26/09/2019 Solicitors Fees Centre for Women's Justice iPOS Invoice 64678 1,344.00
26/09/2019 Agency Staff Sellick Partnership Ltd iPOS Invoice 64792 1,098.60
26/09/2019 Publications Printing Allied Publicity Services (Manchester) Ltd iPOS Invoice 64774 780.00
26/09/2019 ToE Events Hilary Maclean iPOS Invoice 64785 751.71
26/09/2019 Records Storage Costs Iron Mountain (UK) Ltd iPOS Invoice 64775 711.32
26/09/2019 Car Park Rent CBRE Ltd iPOS Invoice 64574 600.00
30/09/2019 Premises Rent/Rates/Service Charges Government Property Agency iPOS Invoice 64789 49,662.18
30/09/2019 Corporate Travel Costs Limited 02004699 11,337.65
30/09/2019 Barristers Fees James Kirk iPOS Invoice 64629 9,216.00
30/09/2019 Barristers Fees James Kirk iPOS Invoice 64471 5,745.60
30/09/2019 Accommodation Costs Redfern Travel 9728 5,654.17
30/09/2019 Barristers Fees Raj Desai iPOS Invoice 64708 5,262.00
30/09/2019 Barristers Fees Paul Bowen iPOS Invoice 64795 4,896.00
30/09/2019 Media Monitoring Press Data Bureau iPOS Invoice 64582 3,645.00
30/09/2019 Barristers Fees Thomas Ogg iPOS Invoice 64607 3,336.00
30/09/2019 Parliamentary Monitoring Dod's Parliamentary Communications iPOS Invoice 64714 2,902.40
30/09/2019 HR & Payroll System MHR International UK Limited iPOS Invoice 64674 2,157.56
30/09/2019 Agency Staff Sellick Partnership Ltd iPOS Invoice 64652 1,934.78
30/09/2019 Publications Printing Allied Publicity Services (Manchester) Ltd iPOS Invoice 64773 1,924.50
30/09/2019 Barristers Fees Daniel Isenberg iPOS Invoice 64474 1,716.00
30/09/2019 Solicitors Fees JCP Solicitors iPOS Invoice 64635 1,500.00
30/09/2019 HR & Payroll System MHR International UK Limited iPOS Invoice 64675 1,139.98
30/09/2019 Mobile Costs EE Limited iPOS Invoice 64603 837.60
30/09/2019 Electricity CBRE Ltd iPOS Invoice 64717 760.31
30/09/2019 ToE Events Hilary Maclean iPOS Invoice 64785 751.71
30/09/2019 Event Sponsorship Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission iPOS Invoice 64657 731.61
30/09/2019 Publications Translation Prestige Network Ltd iPOS Invoice 64709 654.00
30/09/2019 Publications Design Curious Road Limited iPOS Invoice 64787 648.00

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