What equality law means for you as an education provider in Wales
Published: 1 October 2014
Last updated: 5 October 2022
What countries does this apply to?
- Wales
Updated 9 March 2023
This guidance is out of date. The policy area covered are evolving and the guidance is under review.
This guide is one of a series written by the Equality and Human Rights Commission to explain what you must do to meet the requirements of equality law. These guides will support the introduction of the Equality Act 2010. This Act brings together lots of different equality laws, many of which we have had for a long time. By doing this, the Act makes equality law simpler and easier to understand.
The guide gives advice on your responsibilities under equality law as someone who has pupils, students and parents who access the education services you provide. Where relevant, this guide also refers to your equality obligations as an employer and as a public body. We have used our best endeavours to ensure that the sections of this guide are free-standing to promote an understanding of the key obligations on schools under the Equality Act 2010 and the specific public sector equality duties that apply in Wales.
Some of the topics covered are complex and can be supplemented by further reading from further sources identified in Annex C.
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1 October 2014
Last updated:
5 October 2022