What countries does this apply to?
- England
- Scotland
- Wales
ICESCR is an international human rights treaty adopted in 1966. The UK agreed to follow ICESCR in 1976.
It ensures the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights, including the rights to:
- education
- fair and just conditions of work
- an adequate standard of living
- the highest attainable standard of health
- social security
Our work on ICESCR
Read our latest report on economic, social and cultural rights in Great Britain (February 2025).
Older work
We periodically produce progress updates on economic, social and cultural rights in Great Britain:
Other work we have produced as part of our ICESCR monitoring includes:
- a letter to the Justice Secretary, encouraging the government to implement the UN’s concluding observations. We received a response from Sir Oliver Heald QC MP (January 2017)
- our updated submission on the UK’s implementation of ICESCR (April 2016)
- our statement to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (October 2015)
- our submission to the UN Committee on socio-economic rights in the UK (August 2015)
- a series of video tutorials (YouTube) in collaboration with the University of Nottingham and written materials (University of Nottingham website) to raise awareness of socio-economic rights
Page updates
28 October 2019
Last updated:
5 February 2025