Welsh language standards
Published: 25 June 2021
Last updated: 25 June 2021
What countries does this apply to?
- Wales
Engaging with Welsh language speakers
We understand how important it is that speakers of Welsh have the same access to public services as English-speakers.
That’s why we’re working hard to comply with the Welsh language standards (download below) set out by the Welsh government, to make sure that Welsh speakers are treated fairly.
We welcome written correspondence in Welsh, and we respond to it in Welsh. Corresponding in Welsh won’t lead to delay. We also welcome phone calls in Welsh and produce Welsh versions of our publications and web pages (including this one).
Read more about what we offer for Welsh language speakers in the implementing the Welsh language standards document (download below).
Our compliance with the standards
Every year we produce a report on how we have complied with the standards. Download the latest report below.
Contact the Commission in Wales
We welcome being contacted in Welsh or English. If you contact us in Welsh we will respond in Welsh and this will not cause a delay.
Address: Companies House (1st Floor), Crown Way, Cardiff, CF14 3U
Map: Cardiff office Google map
Telephone: 02920 447710 (We welcome phone calls in Welsh)
Welsh language complaints
The Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 established a legal framework to impose duties on certain organisations to comply with standards in relation to the Welsh language by way of sub-legislation (Welsh Language Regulation Standards).
All the information relating to the Equality & Human Rights Commission’s implementation of the standards and annual reports can be viewed online at: Welsh Language Standards
With regard to a Welsh language complaint, the Commission will follow the same approach identified throughout this policy. In addition, the investigating officers will consult with any relevant legislation, the standards, Code of Practice and Welsh Language Commissioner's guidance before making a determination. Complaints or concerns regarding the Welsh language will follow the same timeframes and steps already highlighted in this policy.
The Commission will aim to resolve a Welsh language complaint quickly and informally first (Stage 1) with the relevant service area and within 10 clear working days. How to make a complaint is covered in section 6. Stage 1 complaints will be allocated to the appropriate officer dealing with complaints for that particular service, and will be tracked and monitored.
Stage 1 complaint: informal resolution
Where possible, we try to deal with things straight away rather than sort them out later. If you have a complaint, raise it with the person you're dealing with. They will try to resolve it for you there and then.
If the person you are dealing with is unable to resolve the issue at the point of contact, the matter may be referred to a senior person within the appropriate service department to provide a response. Depending on the nature of the complaint, the matter may be resolved over the telephone or in writing including email. Where an issue is resolved by way of a telephone call you will receive a letter or email as confirmation of the outcome of the conversation.
If there are any lessons to learn from addressing your complaint, appropriate action will be taken where possible to put those lessons learned into practice.
The service department will provide a substantive response to your complaint within 10 clear working days. If the complaint is not resolved to everyone's satisfaction by then it will be escalated to Stage 2.
Where your complaint has been referred to the relevant service department and you are dissatisfied with their response, you can then ask for a formal investigation.
Depending on circumstances, the Commission reserves the right to escalate a complaint directly to Stage 2 of the complaints policy.
If after 10 days a complaint is not resolved at Stage 1, then it will be escalated to Stage 2.
Stage 2 complaint: formal investigation
The aim of the Commission is to resolve complaints quickly and informally wherever possible. However, you can transfer your complaint to Stage 2 of the complaints process for the WLO to investigate. Here are some examples to which stage 2 may apply:
a) If a Service Department has had enough opportunity to address your complaints and has not given you a response as outlined above.
b) If you do not think that your complaint has been considered sufficiently or appropriately.
c) If you have received a response and you are still angry or dissatisfied with the Service Department's decision.
If you wish to take your complaint to Stage 2, the WLO will ask you for more information to understand what went wrong and your desired outcome to resolve the matter.
When receiving a Stage 2 complaint, the details are recorded and an acknowledgment of receipt is sent by the Complaints Team within 5 clear working days.
In most cases, the Complaints Team will provide a substantive response to your complaint within 20 clear working days. Where this is not possible, you will be told the reason for the delay in writing before the final date to respond, together with the date you can expect to receive a full response.
Sometimes, clarification will be required on the specific issues that the complainant is requesting an investigation into. Under these circumstances, the WLO will write to the complainant with a summary of the issues according to his understanding of the situation, asking the complainant to agree that the issues identified are comprehensive and correct, or to give further explanation.
When action is required in this way, the clear 20 working day timetable will begin when both parties have agreed on the specific issues that will be the subject of the investigation. If a response is not received from the complainant within 28 working days of requesting an explanation, the complaint will be closed.
In line with the 'Record Keeping' standards, the WLO will log the Welsh language complaint against the relevant category of standards, i.e. service delivery, policy making or operational standards.
All Welsh language complaints received directly by the Commission are reviewed by the WLO and reported in the council's annual Welsh language standards report.
Advice, handy guides and virtual training are available to staff on the intranet. Online training, which will include raising awareness of the policy, forms part of the induction for new starters, and existing staff are advised to undergo refresher training every two years.
The Commission periodically runs campaigns on the intranet and through newsletters to raise staff awareness of the procedures and Welsh Language Standards. Support for officers dealing with complaints can be found on the Intranet and staff are able to seek further guidance from the WLO.
The Commission has all the material necessary for officers to deal with the complaint on a central Intranet site.
There may be rare occasions where the requirement to comply with a standard has been postponed via a challenge or appeal. In this scenario the WLO will provide advice.
There are also other organisations that consider complaints, for example, the Welsh Language Commissioner. Should you wish to complain about the lack of services in Welsh or that someone is interfering with your freedom to use Welsh, you can contact the Welsh Language Commissioner by:
phone: 0345 6033 221
email: post@cyg-wlc.wales
writing to: The Welsh Language Commissioner, Market Chambers, 5-7 St Mary Street, Cardiff CF10 1AT
The Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 established a legal framework to impose duties on certain organisations to comply with standards in relation to the Welsh language by way of sub-legislation (Welsh Language Regulation Standards).
All the information relating to the Equality & Human Rights Commission’s implementation of the standards and annual reports can be viewed online at: Welsh Language Standards
With regard to a Welsh language complaint, the Commission will follow the same approach identified throughout this policy. In addition, the investigating officers will consult with any relevant legislation, the standards, Code of Practice and Welsh Language Commissioner's guidance before making a determination. Complaints or concerns regarding the Welsh language will follow the same timeframes and steps already highlighted in this policy.
The Commission will aim to resolve a Welsh language complaint quickly and informally first (Stage 1) with the relevant service area and within 10 clear working days. How to make a complaint is covered in section 6. Stage 1 complaints will be allocated to the appropriate officer dealing with complaints for that particular service, and will be tracked and monitored.
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Page updates
25 June 2021
Last updated:
25 June 2021