Our Strategic Plan consultation: 2025 – 2028

About this consultation

We need feedback on what we should include in our Strategic Plan from individuals and organisations. 

Our Strategic Plan explains what we will work on over the next three years, including our vision, purpose and priorities.

This consultation asks for your views on how we can achieve the greatest impact and which topics we should prioritise. We want to understand your views so that we can use our resources in the most effective way.

The draft Strategic Plan 2025 – 2028

Our draft Strategic Plan sets out what we want to achieve over the next three years, and how we will achieve it. We have used data and evidence to identify three areas we can make a difference in. We aim to use our regulatory powers to support long-term change and improvements to equality and human rights issues in these areas. We need your feedback to understand how we can achieve the greatest impact and which issues we should prioritise.

The areas are:

  • work
  • participation and good relations
  • justice and the balance of rights

Go to the draft Strategic Plan 2025  2028.

Access alternative formats for the plan.

Take part in the consultation

Complete our survey to provide feedback on which equality and human rights issues we should work on over the next three years. You can give feedback as an individual, or as an organisation.

The survey will be open from 09:00 on 11 July 2024 to 17:00 on 3 October 2024.

If you need to read the survey questions before completing the survey, you can download the questions.

These documents are for information purposes only. You must submit your response to the consultation through the online survey. If you cannot use the online survey, or need a reasonable adjustment, you can: